Forklift Safety Basics Online Course
In workplaces across Australia, forklifts are used to lift, stack and transfer loads. Incidents involving forklifts are usually serious and often fatal. The human and financial cost of forklift-related incidents for employees, industry and communities is substantial. The good news is that forklift incidents can be prevented. This course will help you to understand how to do so.
Target Audience
• Those involved in forklift operations.
• Managers/supervisors who need to implement policies and procedures related to forklifts.
Estimated Duration : 25 minutes
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course you will be able to:
Describe what a forklift is and the types of forklifts.
State the legal requirements for employers and employees.
Define the hazards associated with forklift operations.
Describe how to manage the associated risks.
Explain safe forklift work practices.
Describe your responsibilities.